Thursday, May 7, 2015

My Life Models

So, my next step was to advertise for life models, those willing to pose naked for me in order to have primary research of the human figure and those who would let me take photos of their hands for future reference. Weirdly enough, men shy'd away from the idea, not wanting to participate yet women loved the idea and I had many offers from my own gender.

Sadly though, the characters have a description that I must stick too so I had to turn some of the life models down, Anastasia is small and petite, a brunette with pale skin and 'blue eyes too big for her face', she is also a virgin at the beginning of a book, making her delicate and shy. She wears mismatching outfits and very rarely sports make up.

Christian Grey is described as tall, lean yet muscular with bright grey eyes. He is the dominant in the story line, also being the sadist, as he enjoys inflicting pain on his sexual partner.

I found suitable life models, my female model wanting to remain incognito as the book is about a BDSM relationship, so I must respect her wishes, and my male life model also wants to remain anonymous.

However, those who let me take photos of their hands (separate models from the first two) have let me publish the photographs onto this website and blog but not their names.

I love these sketches of Ana (two more pages of Ana alongside these), using a red fine liner, and a loose ink fine liner, allowing the ink too bleed once mixed with water. For darker and solid colours, I used water colour, marker and thicker nibbed fine liners. My favorite sketch of Ana, is on the first of the double page spread, she has her hands in front of her, with her back to us. She is naked, and her pose insinuates that she vulnerable and unsure of what is about to happen.

This is just the first of three pages of sketches of Mr. Grey's body, I went on to experiment with colour just as I did with Ana, using the same restricted colour palette of washed out reds, brighter reds accompanied by blacks and different shades of grey. Many suggested I illustrate in 50 shades of grey, but that would of been an obvious, as lots of people had that idea. I have drawn Mr. Grey in poses suited to his character, posing like a bird of paradise, giving his 'junk' a little air, showing the ladies what he has got, as he is the dominant character and he should have poses to suit to his powerful nature.

I will post more of my research and experimentation of the bodies and hands on my next blog update.

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