I have done research in ways I didn't believe I ever would, I looked at Bondage porn, to give me an idea of what goes in Mr Greys 'play room' and to see how the human body looks in detail when two people are writhing around naked. I have also looked at artists, who focus more on the human body than eroticism, such as Raphael, and Leonardo Da Vinci as they produced accurate sketches of both the naked male and female human figure and that is something I will be looking at a lot during this project.
My initial idea for Fifty shades of Grey was to take away the basics of illustrated characters, such as the faces, as I remember when the media first released news of the novels being transferred to cinema and women went crazy, wondering who would play Mr. Grey. Every woman who had enjoyed reading the book had their own idea of what their own Mr. Grey would be like, and the people who where waiting for the film got into disputes as to who would play his part, some wanted Charlie Hunnam, famous for his role as Jackson Teller in Sons of Anarchy and others wanted Jamie Dorman, who eventually secured the role to play Mr.Grey. Now that Mr. Grey has a face, a lot of people I have spoken too, personally after seeing the film felt let down by Mr. Grey as he is not all they imagined. Now that the film has been released, the book's cover has been reinvented with a photo of Jamie Dorman holding Dakota Johnson (Anastasia Steele) up against a wall, taking away the beloved mystery of Mr. Grey away from fans and first time readers. I want to reinvent that mystery, by taking away the characters face, and focus on the hands, giving readers the chance to imagine Mr.Grey as they see fit all over again, as this erotic novel does wonders for a ladies imagination.

(The image too the right is a sketch by Leonardo Da Vinci, and the image to the left does not belong to me)
As well as focusing most of my interest on hands, I will be looking at the human body, but not too the point that my work becomes solely pornographic. To fit the book, which is very strong pornographic literature (A study found that women are sexually stimulated more so by literature and words than watching porn), I will have to have some explicit scenes, but I do want to tackle this project from a classier angle. Time to experiment.
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