Monday, September 14, 2015

Mark making and Wolves

I mentioned in my last post I enjoyed using a fine liner and ink, or any loose water colour medium?
That is still true but I'd like to further that statement, I enjoy making marks on the paper, cross hatching or using lots of tiny dots to complete an image. I've been using dots for years, even when studying for my GCSE's in 3-D design. Dot work is particularly popular now, in the world of tattoos, which I am familiar with, having been an apprentice the past three years at Next Victim tattoos in Sunderland. I left that studio, wanting to focus more on my illustrations, knowing I have enough experience handling machines and peoples skin to get myself back into a studio when the time comes, because as much as I love illustrations, I love the sentimentality of what an illustration can mean to someone and what's more personal than etching an illustration into someone's skin? That is why I love mark making, both psychically and spiritually. I have a bond with each person that has tattooed me because they have created something special for me, something that no one can ever take away from me. Even if I lost all the photographs accosiated with that particular memory, I have it poured into my skin, only a horrific accident or by my choice may that be removed. I have three main artists, artists who I will return too time and time again because they never leave a sour taste in my mouth or a bad mark on my skin, considering I only see each one every other month for an hour or two I hold them dear and close to my heart because they cemented memories into my arms and legs. Isn't it nice for someone to be able to do that for you, someone you've just met treating your thoughts, ideas and memories so previously they may as well be their own?

(0.8, 0.6 and 0.2 water proof fine liners)

Further more, I also mentioned in my previous post about the wolf, the great good wolf Kody, who doesn't eat little girls grandmothers for supper, but would rather lay at the grandmas feet recieving a splendid belly rub or running around in the back garden with little red riding her self? I decided to study him over the summer, watching his movements and behaviours, sketching his mostly playful nature. This afternoon he fell asleep on my bed sheets, his beautiful white feathery plume of a tail gently tickling his nose- he started to twitch, a foot jerking out here, a paw splaying to the side there, the odd 'yip' and the occasional 'hmmph' escaping from his throat. He was dreaming. So of course I sketched it, the whole time I was thinking what does a wolf Dream of?  Well I could only think of one thing, like any canine- food and a good cat hunt, but wolves don't have time for cats, they're for amateurs. Kody dreamt of deer and hares!
This is what I created;

I chose a 9B pencil, holding it upright in the fist of my hand, so the lines became thicker as the lead wore away on the paper, and eventually scribbled over 'Kodys tail' to create markings that insinuate he has a father fox like tail.

After the sketch was complete, I brought out some acrylic paints and watered them down quite excessively, as I was running out of water colours and that was the affect I wanted.

The little animals above him are in fine liner, cross hatched and very scribbly, taking no care in how the lines form.

The leaf, paw prints and bones are all prints of smaller sketches I applied thick acrylic too and printed onto the paper as I didn't have any lino at hand.

I'm quite happy with how this turned out, I think I'm going to frame it and put it above his bed.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

My Summer with the wolf

For thousands of years the Wolf has captured the imagination of Humankind. Folklore and legend are replete with stories of these mysterious yet magnificent creatures, often twisting and turning them into physically and impossibly grotesque caricatures of their real appearance. In doing so their characteristics of loyalty, fearlessness and astuteness are maligned, marginalized and distorted.
However, in exaggerating the wolf's behavior, people from across the globe recognized something in the wolf, they are the ultimate biological machine, they are to be feared and respected. The Wolf is perfectly built for taking down large prey and intelligent enough to work as a unit. Each member of the pack has a specific role to play in bringing down a Buffalo or Caribou, that is why they are the blueprint for mans best friend, but man didn't want to stop there, man wanted to harness the power of the wolf and tame it, so what happens when Wolf and domestic Dog are combined?

According to Ceaser Milan, the Dog whisperer, when owning a wolf dog, you have to honor its wolf heritage and not its domestic canine counter part- well I was in for an education.
I got the keys to my first property on the 1st May 2015, after spending a week decorating, I moved in, my second day in the property started out as normal, up at 7.30 AM to get to the tattoo studio I worked at in Sunderland.
The Afternoon became a little more exciting, a close family friend presented me with Kody, a 'dog' to keep me company. He is exactly like Ghost from game of thrones, and his behavior mimics Jon Snow's dire wolf as well.

At the size he is I doubted he was a full pedigree Husky, like he was advertised. After speaking to canine officials and vets it was confirmed he is part Wolf dog.

Kody has became my muse during the summer break as his behavior differs from normal domestic canine, I focused on my favorite medium in doing this, the fine liner and my beloved ink and water colors. Kody Wolf is intent on destroying things, so a normal toy doesn't last him five minutes, a tennis ball survives for a mere 30 seconds. Amusing to watch and challenging to draw, as my pet does not sit still. I cheated with this drawing slightly, I managed to photograph him and I worked from that, though I do have a sketch book full of quick drawings of his mannerisms, studying his build and movement. 
I like the way fine liners work with water colour, even thin lines look bold and stand out on top of water colors and ink, I also like the way the paper crinkles while drying, giving the work some movement and character, like it really is Kody messing up my purple bed sheets. 

Monday, June 15, 2015


Within my plagiarism report I have looked at a famous illustrator; Jenny Parks, who's illustrations where stolen and put on to phone cases, and sold on Amazon, this shows just how easy it is to get away with plagiarism until you get caught, selling your stolen items on a world wide internet shop. How daring!
With the internet today it is so much easier to get away with stealing artwork, but its also so much easier to get caught- before the internet art thieves relied on getting away with the theft by people keeping their mouths shut and the lack of news coverage, but today everything is accessible from anywhere in the world, with the help of the internet on mobile phones and tablets.
In my report I will be looking into Jenny's stolen work and what people had to say about it.

It appears that even though Vazza case is a less than honest organisation, Amazon still support the company after their phone cases having already been caught once. So who is too blame here? Amazon or the phone case company, as amazon represents this business?

Plagiarism Report

We were given a brief on how to do a report, and had to choose a subject, I chose to write about plagiarism, though it was supposed to be within the subject of Illustration I went further and looked at tattoos, because what can be more hurtful than having a piece of art on your skin, that is only meant for you skin, stolen and placed on someone else's?
It isn't like having a print copied, as their are many prints of it. Its a very personal issue that I am involved with, as an apprentice to a tattoo studio- my work is custom and for one customer only.

In my report I speak to a tattooist- a dear friend from London and a self admitted plagiariser, on their views on art theft. I also look into massive companies stealing art work, and the laws and loop holes around plagiarism. I also handed out a questionnaire and speak to those involved in the illustration and tattoo industry, to see how many people know how to avoid plagiarism and what their rights are.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

My evaluation and thoughts

At the end of my project, I looked back through my book with fresh eyes, I have enjoyed challenging my self and letting my self become stressed. I believe it was a good choice, as I have tested my limits and pushed boundaries, forcing myself out of my comfort zone.

I think I tackled the book in an interesting way, that has paid off, not strictly focusing on the pornographic side of things, having looked at scenes that weren't just about the sex, which is the sole reason why people read the book. I think I have illustrated it in a competent manor and my illustrations work well beside and with the book. Not focusing on faces was a good choice in my opinion because it has reverted the book to its original state, full of mystery,letting people imagine mr grey in their own mind, without this image of Jamie Dorman hanging over their heads, or Dakota Johnson. Because of focusing on hands I have been able to show both sides of the book effectively, letting people make  their own mind up about the story. I have sat on the fence- is it a raunchy love story or is it a harrowing tale of sexual and domestic abuse? You decide.

I am glad I strayed away from what I know and tackled an adult book, I feel like I could do this again now I have found my footing within adult illustration.

Cover and Typeography

For my cover, I wanted to attempt something different, something that the potential reader could interpret in their own mind, after all your perception is your reality.
I had ideas, that I mention earlier on in my sketch book, of Mr. Grey clutching Ana's breasts, i took a time lapse video of the process.

Even though that was a rough sketch and completely out of proportion I enjoyed experimenting with lipstick, and how showed the grains in the water color paper.
I started drawing hands in chains, as then you could decide as a potential buyer of the book if it represents slavery or a kinky sexual fetish, like BDSM.

After drawing up sketches, and coloring them in loosely, I began experimenting with typography which really isn't my strong point, however I tried my hardest but ended up settling for goudy stout in white, sizes 60 and 36.

I played around with thick bold markers in my sketch books, staying away from dainty text that is favored by Romance novels as Fifty Shades is far from romantic.

The hand on the cover is shackled, on the red leather mattress as described in the red room of pain. I asked my peers what they thought of my final cover idea and most thought it was bright and caught the eye, standing out against already existing covers for fifty shades of grey that sport dark grays and blacks.


When working on illustrations you must provide a bleed, a bleed is the edge of the paper to be trimmed off. I have provided a minimum of a 3mm bleed to a five on all of my illustrations within the book. A bleed ensures that there are no untrimmed prints on the final piece.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Working on

As I progress through the book, I marked pages by folding the corner, of specific scenes I wanted to illustrate.

Page 10; as Anastasia meets Mr. Grey
Pages 98-99; The introduction the Red Room, misleadingly known as Christians Play room- two illustrations will be placed here
Page 117; Christian takes Ana's virginity, and one of the only scenes the couple have what is deemed 'normal sex'
Page 176; Anastasia is presented with the contract and she thinks to herself in the bathroom mirror about how the only man she's ever been attracted too wants to beat her with a flogger.

I had a sketch of Christians hands signing the contract but I've decided to swap it for the sensual dream Anastasia has that persuades her to sign the contract!
231; Anastasia has a sensual dream that Christian hits her in her sweet spot with a riding crop.

264- Christian and Ana engage in their first sexual encounter inside the playroom.
366- Christian and Ana engage in not-so-rough sex, at Ana's demand.
505- The deal breaker. Ana tests hard limits (Hard limits is a term used by those who practice bondage for when it is too painful.) Christian hits Ana with a broad leather belt full force, six times.
514- Ana has returned home after the breaking point with Christian, clutching a tear soaked handkerchief on her bed, surrendering to grief.

Page 10 - Ana meet Christian at his office- my final illustration for it, as she plays nervously with a pencil.

The beginning of my Illustrations

After experimenting with my colour palette and the photographs of peoples hands, I began sketching thumbnails for Illustration ideas.

Rather than having flowing brush strokes I am blotting out the loose ink with a tissue and it think it works well, and with reflection of the book as Christian expresses control over all things, to an odd degree. I am keeping odd control over my water colours. As the book furthers, I losing more and more control over my illustrations as Christian starts to lose control over his actions as Ana leads him more and more into temptation unwillingly.

Above is my thumbnails for the red room, my favorite illustration idea for this are Mr. Greys collection of whips, though the red in the opposite illustrations are bright and catch your eye. I believe this red is the best too use as its an angry and passionate colour and the sexual activities both Mr.Grey and Ana indulge in, are not Vanilla. BDSM is aggressive and is an act of one inflicting pain on the other. The sadist and the masochist.


Thursday, May 7, 2015

My Life Models

So, my next step was to advertise for life models, those willing to pose naked for me in order to have primary research of the human figure and those who would let me take photos of their hands for future reference. Weirdly enough, men shy'd away from the idea, not wanting to participate yet women loved the idea and I had many offers from my own gender.

Sadly though, the characters have a description that I must stick too so I had to turn some of the life models down, Anastasia is small and petite, a brunette with pale skin and 'blue eyes too big for her face', she is also a virgin at the beginning of a book, making her delicate and shy. She wears mismatching outfits and very rarely sports make up.

Christian Grey is described as tall, lean yet muscular with bright grey eyes. He is the dominant in the story line, also being the sadist, as he enjoys inflicting pain on his sexual partner.

I found suitable life models, my female model wanting to remain incognito as the book is about a BDSM relationship, so I must respect her wishes, and my male life model also wants to remain anonymous.

However, those who let me take photos of their hands (separate models from the first two) have let me publish the photographs onto this website and blog but not their names.

I love these sketches of Ana (two more pages of Ana alongside these), using a red fine liner, and a loose ink fine liner, allowing the ink too bleed once mixed with water. For darker and solid colours, I used water colour, marker and thicker nibbed fine liners. My favorite sketch of Ana, is on the first of the double page spread, she has her hands in front of her, with her back to us. She is naked, and her pose insinuates that she vulnerable and unsure of what is about to happen.

This is just the first of three pages of sketches of Mr. Grey's body, I went on to experiment with colour just as I did with Ana, using the same restricted colour palette of washed out reds, brighter reds accompanied by blacks and different shades of grey. Many suggested I illustrate in 50 shades of grey, but that would of been an obvious, as lots of people had that idea. I have drawn Mr. Grey in poses suited to his character, posing like a bird of paradise, giving his 'junk' a little air, showing the ladies what he has got, as he is the dominant character and he should have poses to suit to his powerful nature.

I will post more of my research and experimentation of the bodies and hands on my next blog update.

Fifty shades and eroticisim

I have read the fifty shades of grey trilogy, when they first came out these three books took the world by storm, so I had to see what the fuss was about. However when the brief was given, I went back to the first of the three books and re-read it, to give my self an idea of the direction I wanted to go in.

I have done research in ways I didn't believe I ever would, I looked at Bondage porn, to give me an idea of what goes in Mr Greys 'play room' and to see how the human body looks in detail when two people are writhing around naked. I have also looked at artists, who focus more on the human body than eroticism, such as Raphael, and Leonardo Da Vinci as they produced accurate sketches of both the naked male and female human figure and that is something I will be looking at a lot during this project.

My initial idea for Fifty shades of Grey was to take away the basics of illustrated characters, such as the faces, as I remember when the media first released news of the novels being transferred to cinema and women went crazy, wondering who would play Mr. Grey. Every woman who had enjoyed reading the book had their own idea of what their own Mr. Grey would be like, and the people who where waiting for the film got into disputes as to who would play his part, some wanted Charlie Hunnam, famous for his role as Jackson Teller in Sons of Anarchy and others wanted Jamie Dorman, who eventually secured the role to play Mr.Grey. Now that Mr. Grey has a face, a lot of people I have spoken too, personally after seeing the film felt let down by Mr. Grey as he is not all they imagined. Now that the film has been released, the book's cover has been reinvented with a photo of Jamie Dorman holding Dakota Johnson (Anastasia Steele) up against a wall, taking away the beloved mystery of Mr. Grey away from fans and first time readers. I want to reinvent that mystery, by taking away the characters face, and focus on the hands, giving readers the chance to imagine Mr.Grey as they see fit all over again, as this erotic novel does wonders for a ladies imagination.
Hands are a very sexual part of the body, as well a very dangerous part as we use them every single day for simple tasks, for example a brick layers hands will be rough in comparison to a beauticians who moisturizes every single day, this gives us an idea of what gender a person is, just by their hands if we can't see their face. We can use our hands to hold our lovers, caressing them during the throws of intimacy or use our hands to inflict hurt and pain with a punch or slap, or they can instigate the use of a weapon such as a gun (via pulling the trigger). This is why hands will play the most important role in my illustrations.

 (The image too the right is a sketch by Leonardo Da Vinci, and the image to the left does not belong to me)

As well as focusing most of my interest on hands, I will be looking at the human body, but not too the point that my work becomes solely pornographic. To fit the book, which is very strong pornographic literature (A study found that women are sexually stimulated more so by literature and words than watching porn), I will have to have some explicit scenes, but I do want to tackle this project from a classier angle. Time to experiment.

Fifty Shades of Grey

Fifty shades of grey has caused a stir worldwide, creating mass havoc in book stores, as one of the first best selling raunchy novels, strictly focused on some BDSM fairy tale about a multi-millionaire Mr.Christian Grey and an innocent university graduate Miss. Anastasia Steele.

For our new brief we where given a list of books to illustrate, and I often choosing children's books over adult was magnetized to the likes of J.R Tolkien's 'The Hobbit', Roald Dahls, James and the Giant Peach and other childrens classics on the book list. Then it occurred to me, I'll challenge my self and push my boundaries, as it is my first year at University, so I have time to make mistakes and experiment, I looked at a lot of childrens books while illustrating at A Level, so I choose the most infamous book on the list.  E.L James 'Fifty Shades of Grey', if this brief goes to plan and I can succeed it will prove I could develop into a capable illustrator, being able to turn my hand (or paint brush) to anything, rather than just being a one trick pony. Having gone from one extreme to the other, as I'm used to illustrating Animals in clothing, but now I'll be painting hard core BDSM scenes from this 'fifty shades of f*cked up' love story.

Above is the trailer to movie, if you don't know too much about the book, that will give you an idea of the story line. I will be staying away from the movie as much as possible, as it is easy to give illustrated characters a look of the actors from the movie.

I will be documenting my research as I go.

P.S This has been a draft since i received the brief 13 weeks ago!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My Big Book of Drawings

As our final project we had to create a big book of drawings, something that related to our previous briefs, showing our skills and upon a subject from our earlier projects that stand out the most to us.

In college for my final A Level project, I studied paleontology and archeology, as animals are my favorite thing to draw, but the history and science behind it really intrigued me, so after studying animals and mythological creatures at University, I decided my big book of drawings would not only be a project fitting to the final brief but a personal one. I chose big cats, and on the first page compared the anatomy of a skull belonging to a modern day big cat to their glacial period (Ice age) counterpart, the cat known as Smilodon Fatalis (Saber toothed Tiger) that walked the deserts and marsh land of California from 1.6 Million to 10,000 years ago. After this page, I moved on to how different the breeds of certain big cats are, yet all belonging to the family; Felidae, I studied the African Lion, Bengal Tiger, Cheetah, the Jaguar and Sunda Clouded Leopard. With not being able to provide a narrative, or extensive facts about each big cat I jotted down only their Latin Names, which all connects them to what I previously mentioned; The family Felidae.

I looked at how to bind books, choosing only to look at old books only because the start of my topic is over a million years old, I wanted my book to have a worn and aged feel to it. Old books where traditionally stitched together and as you can see my well read copy of 20,000 leagues under the sea is almost thread bare. I searched my grandfathers book shelf for vintage books with this method of binding, and on each the spine was loose. I don't know if this is from age or that the method isn't a very good one so I moved on with my search.

Here's some search results of mine from book binding research.

In the end I decided to go it alone, and see what I could come up with...

  To create my book, I chopped up an old cardboard box, folding it into a book shape, and painted the inside a burnt umber, needing 2 to 3 coats of paint so it didn't look like a lazy job, yet sadly the paint didn't take as nicely to the card board as I was hoping.

I punched holes in the spine of my 'book' with screws, threading the wool I would use to hold my pages in place through them, and gluing them to the outer side of the book, where no one would see them, as by now my idea had changed as to how I wanted my book to look and that was wild, just like the animals I was studying. So to cover the wool thread, I bound my book in this very stylish Leopard print fabric, using white craft glue.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I had already drawn out the images, for the inside of my book, on seperate pages, leaving opposite sides blank, so I could glue them together without defacing my work. I ripped the edges of the work, not caring for little tares in the paper as my book is wild. Finally I scored rough holes in the sides of my drawings, threading the wool through and creating a knot above the first page, so everything was secure. Nothing is tidy about my book, no clean cuts and I am happy with the outcome because I think my book gives off a free feeling, the color scheme is very natural, with only small hints of bright colors. I chose not to stick one medium, just as the natural world has not chosen to stick to one thread of DNA and has stitched an absolutely beautiful history and diversity of species and breeds.



Reportage is a technique, or style of drawing that documents things that you have observed or researched, even if it isn't a major event.

Rob Conway
Sadly much can't be found about Rob, but his artwork is a brilliant example of reportage through everyday life.
The above sketch was done in Barcelona, I'm guessing on Copacabana beach, most likely a bunch of holiday goers and locals enjoying the weather.

A pair of Old and Putrid's doing their shopping

And some dude from Formula one

 I really enjoy the quickness of his work, it seems free, as if he has held the pencil or paintbrush very loosely and let it's do its own thing, but with the finer details, like the old ladies face shows some real traditional artistic skill. Also the diversity of colour and lack of within his work makes it more interesting.

My Dachshund Nora

For my reportage artwork, I used Ink, it seems to have a mind of its own, just moving by itself, running away from the line work its supposed to settling on.

A girl, looking rather sad, so I added in the blue ink to try and portray this.

Again, practicing with inks, with my perfume and lipstick, I like how the colours have met and suddenly clashed.