The Consumers are the people who enjoy, and use the services of the final product. These are the people that the product is aimed at, a target market.
The product is created with a certain audience in mind, and with modern technology, there are so many ways to advertise this product. Youtube now allows companies to advertise their products before a video, or surveys. The advertisement in question depends what your recent search history is, for example, my favorite TV show is Sons of Anarchy, so youtube showed me a video of the fan merchandise (biker jackets and cuts) for sale on Amazon, and Facebook works in a similar way, if you have the app- Messenger, and mention for instance, you are thinking of purchasing an Ipad, the adverts at the side of your news feed will quickly change to different legitimate websites selling Ipads, because you are a potential consumer of this product. Yes this may seem like Facebook is violating your personal space and privacy, but this is how far advertisement has stretched, it is no longer bound to the TV, Radio or billboards.
Of course, there is such a thing as a bad advert, that doesn't appeal to the consumer at all.
The consumer has to enjoy the product, as it was designed by them in mind.
With children's books, there is a factory working to go through- Author- Illustrator- Agent- Publisher- Consumer.
Obviously children's books are aimed at small boys and girls, but they have to appeal to parents, as these are the people who decide what is and isn't suitable for their children to read.
Would you let your child read this? Or this?

Or even this? (though it is a sattire of the hungry caterpillar,and probably only created by the very talented 'Eric Bastard' for the purpose of entertaining those who spend hours travelling the internet.)
Of course not, it's wildly inappropriate and unsuitable for children, and this is why we have consumers, a specific group of people at the end of the production line, ready to try and test our product,because not everything works for everyone.
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