Saturday, October 18, 2014


Plagiarism is a scary word, to any creative soul. Its a dangerous business to involve yourself in, being caught out can get you into a lot of trouble, and with the internet being the way it is, you're stupid if you think you can slip under the radar. Plagiarism, is copying somebody else's work or ideas and claiming it as your own, which naturally can cause a lot of offence to the original artist, as due credit isn't being awarded to them, and instead to who is wrongly claiming all of the glory.

One man who has been accused of plagiarism is insanely famous for the multi-coloured print of the blonde bombshell, Marilyn Monroe.  Andy Warhol, without permission of the photographer, silk screened her photographs. Of course, when you are so well known in the art world, its hard for someone not to realise, with his celebrity status, these silk screen flower prints where soon in magazines.. And who of course noticed? The original photographer! Patricia Caulfield then claimed ownership of her work after seeing Warhols adaption of her photograph. After a tedious court battle, Miss Caulfield and Andy settled for her receiving royalties to use the image as well as two of his adaptions.
Moral of the story, its not big, its not clever and if you're an artistic fellow surely you're creative enough to come with your own ideas?
(^Photo of Warhols and Caulfields's flowers, forgive me for not actually putting the photo in, getting used to this blog malarkey)

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